Cura Personalis - The Sequel: The Kolbecast Episode 136

AMDG.  Today we continue a conversation we started with Elizabeth Hoxie in Episode 112 on the Ignatian tenet of care for the whole person.  Far from being a trendy #selfcare fad, cura personalis captures the truth that what we do with ourselves during each day—our intellect, emotions, and bodies—forms us into the saint God wants us to be.  Through intentionality in approaching each day and recognizing that God didn’t make us to be frantic, cura personalis can help us avoid the temptation to over-commit regarding some things while under-committing to others.  In this way, we can live out the reality that we are created to love and be loved, to flourish and not just to live symptom-free. With all this in mind, Elizabeth shares her concern for special needs students and gives us a glimpse of how she homeschools.

Kolbecast episodes mentioned in this conversation & relevant:

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Resources from Elizabeth:

And two books on Ignatian discernment:

  1. Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making by Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV
  2. What Do You Really Want?: St. Ignatius Loyola and the Art of Discernment by Jim Manney

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The Kolbecast

The Kolbecast